Progressive, into all kinds of stuff; random thoughts, culture, comics, a little encryption, stationery, RPGs, virtual worlds, politics, history, linguistics…

This place is sort of my “nexus” online. The social media where I’m most active is on Mastodon. I also have several resources, over at my “home community”, Disroot, including email. I would love to use Session more, but it seems so few are using it. Of all these, Mastodon is probably the best way to contact me initially.

I keep some entries in my Journal, though posting there is only happening very sporadically.
I also have an RPG oriented blog.

Resources (I tend to be @sintrenton or Fox Trenton in general)

Communications (Instant Messaging+)

These are generally secured and private IMs that are my preferred way of communication. If you like to get in touch that way, send me a direct message on Mastodon. Since those are not private, you can encrypt it with my OpenPGP key below, if you like.


  • age public key:

My OpenPGP public key

If you don’t have any OpenPGP/GnuPG tools, you can use’s tool at least. Encrypting in your browser is usually not a good idea, but keep your message brief and bland, pasting in my public key in the form, and we’ll have at least that. My public key is just that, public. (You encrypt with my public key and I decrypt with my private key).
